Term Life Insurance
A simple, affordable way to financially protect the ones you love.
Make life insurance planning part of your long-term financial strategy to help you provide for your family's future financial needs and protect your assets.
Why consider Term Life Insurance?
Term Life Insurance policies can be used to help:
- Tax-free death benefit paid to the beneficiaries
- Sustain a small business in your absence
- Avoid leaving a burden of debt on your loved ones after you're gone (such as a home equity line of credit, a home mortgage or a car loan)
You may also want to consider Credit Life & Disability Insurance, which is a type of life insurance designed to cover specific debt.
How It Works
Term Life Insurance provides death benefit protection for a specified period of time. Proceeds are payable to a beneficiary at the death of the insured, provided the death occurs within the term of the life insurance policy. Term Life Insurance is typically the least expensive type of life insurance, as it covers a shorter period of time (from five to as many as 30 years) and does not include any cash value at the end of the term, like Permanent Life Insurance can.
Rates & Premiums
Term Life Insurance guarantees rates and coverage for an initial period. To remain covered beyond the initial contract you may need to sign a new application and pay an increase in premium.
Since term policy premiums are based on the likelihood of your death, the cost of insurance increases as you get older. Term Life Insurance does not offer cash value.
Features & Benefits
- Term Life Insurance can be used on its own or to supplement a Permanent Life Insurance policy and provide additional coverage
- Term Life Insurance is available for terms such as 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 years
- Certain riders (or options) can be attached to Term Life Insurance policies, which are designed to enhance the basic coverage offered under the policy
- Your beneficiary will be paid the face value of the policy if death occurs before the term expires
Please note that insurance policies offered:
- Are NOT deposits, obligations of, or guaranteed by Peoples Exchange Bank.
- Are NOT insured by Peoples Exchange Bank, the FDIC, or any other agency of the United States.
- The purchase of an insurance product is not a condition to any loan, product or service offered by Peoples Exchange Bank.